Monday, January 18, 2010


I read an article about Computers. It was interesting because it is about usage computers in the past.
Well, these are my answers:
1. I started using computer when I was 11 year-old.
2. Most people in my country are poor, so just a few people use the internet at home. However, recently, many people in my country have laptops and Smartphone. Therefore, they usually use the internet at public places.



  1. Good answers Fajri. What do you think are the advantages of being able to use the internet in public places? Are there any disadvantages?

  2. Yes, absolutely teacher, the development of technology brings advantages and disadvantages for mankind. There are many advantages of using the internet in public places, such as, we can access the internet everywhere, the cost is not too expensive, etc. However, there are also disadvantages, like, hacker is easy to theft our personal information, etc.


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