Friday, March 19, 2010

Nowruz/New day

Dear Marcus

Today, I would like to tell you and others about” Nowruz”/ new day, because tomorrow (21 march) is new day for Iranian people and some other countrys` people that it starts as the first day of Iranian” New Year.”

Nowruz is celebrated and accepted by Iranian people and others of the world such as central Asia, south Asia, northwestern China, Crimea, Albania, Bosnia, Serbia and Republic of Macedonia. Actually, Nowruz marks the first day of spring and young nature that is the beginning of the year in Iranian calendar as well as Zoroastrian holiday in 330 BC which usually occurs since March 21st. As a result, Nowruz was originally a Zoroastrian festival, but it has unclear dated origin. Of course was maybe beginning by Zoroaster/king himself that was considered as a gift for other kings.

Iranian families gather together to the rituals and celebrate. They also visit their friends, pray for lucky and have the best wish of others in this year. This day probably will be International day for peace and sense friendly human in the world. Recently, the United Nation General Assembly in 2010 recognized the International day of Nowruz. Actually, describing a spring festival of Persian origin which has been celebrated for over 3000 years, and registered of the UNESCO list of the Intangible Heritage of humanity. Nowadays, the people who celebrate this day are over 300 million. It should be symbolize for peace in Iranian people and all of the countries in the world with recognizing the cultural and historical significant of Nowruz.

Best regards,

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