Sunday, May 23, 2010
Scientists to discuss alien life
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
100 years on...Olive wouldn't dream of moving!
2) Before the First World War her house was destroyed in a fire, but here parents was rebuilt it.
Polyethylene was made in 1889 by a German chemist. Most of plastic bags are made from this material. Nowadays you can see paper and plastic bags in every supermarkets and shops. People use them everywhere easy and handy, but they do not think what will be happened after throwing these bags in the bin or nature. They are not analyzing in the nature so make a lot of soil and water pollution. Some countries try to forbid using it, but so far the plastic and paper bags have been using all over the world.
Posted by Shima
I remember when i first started using a computer, i started using when had interact to change job, after that i changed ones mind about computer using in 7 years ago, my brother bought for me first computer.
I dont konw exactly when time comes computer in my country but i think most of people using computer 20 years ago and the internet system began in 1995 , of course my brother had it in the office in 1998. amoment the lods of people in my country using internet , they used internet at home, university, office, governmental job, and some etc........
we use internet for chating, email, give information, saveing informatin , global information, and some etc...........
best flash
Friday, March 19, 2010
Nowruz/New day
Today, I would like to tell you and others about” Nowruz”/ new day, because tomorrow (21 march) is new day for Iranian people and some other countrys` people that it starts as the first day of Iranian” New Year.”
Nowruz is celebrated and accepted by Iranian people and others of the world such as central Asia, south Asia, northwestern China, Crimea, Albania, Bosnia, Serbia and Republic of Macedonia. Actually, Nowruz marks the first day of spring and young nature that is the beginning of the year in Iranian calendar as well as Zoroastrian holiday in 330 BC which usually occurs since March 21st. As a result, Nowruz was originally a Zoroastrian festival, but it has unclear dated origin. Of course was maybe beginning by Zoroaster/king himself that was considered as a gift for other kings.
Iranian families gather together to the rituals and celebrate. They also visit their friends, pray for lucky and have the best wish of others in this year. This day probably will be International day for peace and sense friendly human in the world. Recently, the United Nation General Assembly in 2010 recognized the International day of Nowruz. Actually, describing a spring festival of Persian origin which has been celebrated for over 3000 years, and registered of the UNESCO list of the Intangible Heritage of humanity. Nowadays, the people who celebrate this day are over 300 million. It should be symbolize for peace in Iranian people and all of the countries in the world with recognizing the cultural and historical significant of Nowruz.
Best regards,
100 year..........offffffff
I find two interested about Olive,this woman never married because she didnt want to leave her parents and her home and she hates seeing doctors ,but she walks with a stick . I think she to get glued on a past time , actually Olive wouldnt dream of moving.
The house , which was destroyed in a fire before the firest world war, was rebuilt by her parents Ellen and Frank. She loves her home so much that she has rarely even gone on holiday.
Best day
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Greetings from Sydney, Canada!
please find following answer to the text questions:
1) They maybe inserted incorrect destination while they booked their ticket on the internet.
2) Yes I had, but not such big problem in the airline, we were to Penang during Chinese New Year’s holiday in the back home there was a bad traffic jam on the road due to heavy raining and old car overheated in the slope road, thus after eight hours continues driving we arrive in KL in the midnight.
Your truly
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Gonbad Kavus Tower
Greetings from Sydney,Canada
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I read a text about Joanna who doesn’t has smell and taste sense it is hard to say how can live out these senses, following are reply to the questions:
1) She doesn’t know good and bad smells, all smells are same as air for here, if there is a fire or a unsafe food she can’t smell, she cant smell even herself body, she doesn’t have any memory from previous smells, foods and drinks are same for here as no difference between taste and smell can’t be sensed, she always need mothers help to check smell of here foods and home.
2) I can’t image to be like as Joanna, as I believe all five senses (smell, taste, touching, vision, hearing) are necessary to have a perfect life. I have to be independent on daily routine, I like to enjoy from a delicious food and prevent to eat a rotten food, and without smell I can’t have a safe life.
Your truly
Every person, like chocolate then i think writer should explanation about habituated or to be addicted.People think if one person used drug its a addicted , but its better writer for writing gived helpe a psychoanalyst advised in the story.
First, alot of chocolate, its bad for health second shes eating chocolate a habit its a filing in the mind. I think she should eat choclate , and going to meet a psychologist.
Best wish
Nowadays using computer and internet is so necessary for everyone although students and researchers need it more. Unfortunately many of countries cannot access and use it easily, hope to hear, that governments are going to improve it.
Q1: When did you start using computers?
I`ve been using computer since 1998.
Q2: Do people use the internet in your country? Where do they use it?
Yes, they do. They can access to internet almost everywhere such as universities, cyber café, offices, homes, and even in many shops.
Hopefully in my country the majority of people can accesses the internet, but they are not happy with its quality and sits` filtration.
Posted by Shima
Saturday, March 13, 2010
I like physics and my favorite subject at my school was Newton`s laws about the earth; discovery of Newton because very important for resolve some of issues about things which lives on the earth. I liked my physics teacher too much and got high scores on it.
Although Newton was a genius, but there are a lot of geniuses in the world such as Albert Einstein, the father of modern physics and the best know scientist, who published more than 300 Scientifics and additionally philosophical and political issues. Tomorrow is his birthday. (14 Marsh 960-1037)
Avicenna (Abu Ali Sina in person, Ibn Sīnā (Arabic: ابن سینا 980 - 1037) was a Persian polymath and a famous physical philosopher of his time. Also he was an astronomer, chemist, geologist, logician, paleontologist, mathematician, physicist, poet, psychologist, scientist and teacher. *
“Persian Astrology has its roots in the Zend-Avesta, parts of which are very similar to the Rig Veda. Much of the survival of classical sciences like astronomy, mathematics, geography and philosophy in the Western world is because it was preserved and used by the Muslim world from about the 8th Century, when Europe was going through its Dark Ages. Astrology, being linked to astronomy at this stage, was also one of those disciplines preserved.”**
*Avicenna, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
** Arab and Persian astrology From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Friday, March 12, 2010
This is important know that the color or the length of our hair, show facts about us! And I agree with above point. Nowadays many of people, especially women and young people exchange their color hair, but with different emotion.
Monk, Sikh, prisoner, soldier and etc are a variety of groups that do it. People without hair, show lose our individual identity and become part of especial groups and they some times have to it. For example, prisoners usually have to be shaved heads; and soldiers have very short hair, too. Anyway they accept order from others. In the west, Skin heads choose to shave their heads as a rejection of traditional values. ” During the 1960s in the west, hippies grew their hair long. For them, long hair was a rejection of traditional values-just like skinheads! But their appearance was linked to peace and left-wing politics, they were against violence and war”. *
My opinions about that have color hair, maybe to due be more attractive better than before getting more popular and interesting way or just be different from every one else. Whatever that is a personal reason because our hair says something about us. My hair style is long straight hair and dyed its blond color for celebration already. In my country, there are some typical colors, especially in women such as blond, light brown, black, winy color and other colors in young people recently, but original color hair, has still been accepted for most of people, especially in men in my country.
· ESSAY SAMPLE ON “WHY PEOPLE DYE THEIR HAIR”2010, Essay Sample. All rights reserved
· www.essay
Best regards,
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hi Marcus
This time I would like to write something about the flag and reply to the questions of the text. All people in the world are proudding to their country’s flag as it can be a symbol of history, economy, policy, interests, favorites etc. may be too many solders martyred to defend their country against enemies attract and keep the flag to fly.
1) As I know Iran’s flag format since 559 BCE to 29/July/1980 have been changed 22 times, in the 12 of them a lion’s picture with a sword in the right hand and sun on the back was in the centre of flag but now it has been changed to the God name in Arabic letter. Our flag has three parallel color bands, the Green on the top is symbol of freshness, growth and somebody said Islam, the White in the middle means peaceful and honesty and the Red on the bottom is symbol of brave and martyr. I think lion, sword and sun in the old Iran’s flag were proved of the three colors of the flag:
2) I like my country’s flag same as billion people in the world, but I think previous flag was more interesting and pure Persian as there was no Arabic letter and no regional symbol which has been imitated from our neighbor Islamic countries, every body knows meaning of the lion symbol that was on the Iran flag for centuries and also self-explanatory three colors (green, white and red)!
I wish one day all people live together friendly without any borderline, ware and under a common flag!
Your truly
Greetings from Sydney, Canada
This article is about a British couple who booked their tickets on the internet for Sydney in Australia, but their airplane landed at Sydney on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, a town with a population of 26,000.
It was a huge mistake. Internet has no idea why there are two Sydney in the world. Maybe these internet problems are very rare, but for me, I don`t trust internet banking, booking airplane or shopping. I prefer do it myself, no matter how much it takes, but at least I am sure I`ve done my work 100%.
Q1: How did the mistake happen?
A couple booked their ticket on the internet for Sydney but they meant the Sydney in Australia but their ticket was issued for another Sydney the Sydney on Cope Breton Island, Nova Scotia.
Q2: Have you ever had any travel or holiday problems? What happened?
Thanks to God, I haven`t had any problems so far.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I have read the test about hair, reply to the questions are following:
1) Hair style can be an evidence of people habit or behavior but it is not completely true, in my opinion mentality, relationship, knowledge, negotiation method, behavior, life style and so on are more important than hairstyle and we can not completely judgment about others based on their apparent.
2) My hairstyle is normal and a little curly.
3) Most of people have normal hairstyle, but some young men have long hair or sometimes they shave their hair completely and put on a hat. Some religion people in the name of Sufi have long hair, these gnostic men also have an regional dance (Sama) who believe it make them closer to the God.
Best regards
100 years….Olive’s life
On the other hand, she is very healthy, has not gone to hospital during 100 years and hates visiting doctors because she has always taken care of herself with plays sports and eating vegetables. She has started her diet as vegetarian since 18 years ago. She has worked as cleaner for 40 years and liked gardening, sewing and cooking before her sight became damaged that she did not to do them. These are surprising for me. ” How has her home changed in the last 100 years? “I can tell you that her home is still un- modernize and there is no central heating. Even she has used lit with candles and oil lamps until electricity was installed in 1960s and building a toilet and bathroom.
In my opinion, Olive is an interesting woman, too relax and very house proud. Also she is very gladly from her life that can be wonderful and useful for others.
Best regards,
It is true that chocolate is lovely for more people and I like it, but I do not eat very much. Nowadays is advertisement upon it for someone specially children, and sells a lot of them. However it is not good for health if is eaten a lot and used to eat it which can due a problem for our health and life.
She was eating a lot of chocolate since she was a child and nobody do not avoid hers from eat it. Then she continues to eat it a lot of. Now she does not stop it even if she wants to leave this action! She needs it every day, and eats lots of it, too. Her first bar is at 8 o’clock in the morning and then she has about 10 bars of chocolate a day until she goes to bed.
On the other hand, she knows that eating a lot of chocolate is very bad for her health. She knows that there is a lot of sugar things and fat in a variety of chocolate, so she got overweight, too. Although she decides to leave eating it, but she can not stopped it and used it. She wanted to help her to stop use it.
In my opinion, there are a few ways to help hers to leave it. First of all, she can start a lot of chocolate every time even more than before for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a week just it instead eating everything! And then sees herself if still like it? Or she hated it. Second way can be, lack of available to it such as in her house, in her family and leave somewhere that there is a lot of chocolate. Finally my advice to her is increasing to able herself to leave it, and of course all of these together can helpful for her.
Best regards
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Farzad's Daily Routine
The Coconut Island which was a peaceful , safe Iland , full of beautiful palms ,nowadays is crowded, noisey and unsafe .Olders local are unhappy but youngers are satisfied of making more money.
Q1-How do you feel about tourism in your country?
Actually, in my country there are many many places for tourists to go. There are many beautiful
monuments , beaches, mountaines,waterfalls,restaurants,shoping centers,and palaces.And also Iranians are really famouse in hospitality.But tourism industrial isn`t run good enough in there.
I thinks the goverment should have more attention to this industry.
Q2-Do you think beautiful places should be protected by law?
Many beautiful natural places were created in millions years and it`s not fair to be used only for one or two generations ,so not only the goverment but also the people should be care of God`s gifts.
Posted by Shima
Friday, March 5, 2010
Q1:What problems does Joanna have because she can`t smell?
She doesn`t know, is a fire because she can`t smell smoke or doesn`t know food is safe to eat or not ,and also she can`t smell herself.
Q2:Would you like to be Joanna?why?why not?
Of course not.
I don`t like to be Joanna.Smelling is a very important sence.Tast a juicy fresh strawberry ,smell the cutted grass or smell a new born baby are really graet ,which Joanna will miss for ever.
Posted by Shima
Oldest Stamp

Do you like collecting things?
No, I do not like.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Abdul's daily routine
After lunch they come back to the BC and arrive in at about 1:45pm in the afternoon, the extra English class starts at 2:00pm, the teacher is a young trainer and very friendly as well with their same age so, they are very happy at all and have lovely fun together, this class finishes at 5:00pm, and then he uses again LRT to go home.
Take a shower, seat behind the computer for about two hours to use internet, drink a cup of coffee can be a fair way to relax him and prepare home works with a fresh mind, dinner at 9:00pm is a good break then finish the home works at about 12:00pm, brushing teeth and go to bed to start a new day by tomorrow.
By: Farzad
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dear Marcus
My first week of March reading text is about the computers and users, in some poor, moderate and rich country, it is interesting to say which computers’ population users and speed of the Internet become the main evidence to assess a country and its people are advanced, at the development or back warded. Yes its imagine but true as we are leaving in the speed world and only strongest in the economy, Information Technology (IT), and new technology will win the competition hence they can leave more comfortable. I believe that computers never can govern to the human as they don’t have mind and sense, they are only high technology machines that have been generated and developed by scientists to easy the work and life. Following are the responses to the text questions:
1) The first time that I used computer was 1990s in the Polytechnic University, while I was a mechanical engineering student, at that time we used punch card to load our program in the computer; it was a hard work and any mistake in the punching cause to wrong hole in the card then computer get error from the program and it did’t run. Our university is one of the first centres in Iran that used computers to register the students,planing courses and classes, getting courses and the computer PhD teaching the students how to write a program in some computer languages such as FORTRAN, Pascal and later C++ them how to run it, but for the large program you need too many cards as each program line had been punching in one card only at the maximum 220 characters.
2) Yes off course, some body buy a limited user name and password card from shopping for one, two or ten hours usage and connect through the Internet by using this user name and password. Nominal speed for such service is 52kbs but normally speed is lower than it, specially in the evening. somebody use the Internet in the popular cafes that also some times slow and fee is about 0.5$ and above. You can install an ADSL as well for high speed 100Mbs but it is nominal speed too, as Iran Internet connection is by axial cable in most places, the government are going to replace the axial cable by light fiber cable to get more speed and connectors. Another reason is that in Iran Internet is filtering due to some political reason and prevents hacker attack also pornography.
Most of the people in Iran have PC at home or laptop, in the famous Universities and research centre the high speed Internet is available but only for the Master of Science students, PHD and researcher. This Internet is not through the cable but they have a dish without any filtration and directly connect to the web from the satellite.
Computer word and IT is on the great development and nobody knows what the end of this new technology is, but you can guess, look at the photo for the new pen pocket computer! We have to say goodbye laptop!! Remember that NASA always has at least two models higher than commercial computers that we used for example when we are using series five of computers, NASA has series seven or upper!!! I can’t image how much is the speed of their computer and how does it work, anybody knows please inform us.
Tourism: Reading
Q1: what do you think of when i hear birdsong?
Ans: When i hear the bird chirping, the first thought that comes to my mind is that i can feel the nature with my first instinct as the sounds of the wind knots blowing and the atmosphere of the whole nature.
Q2: What is my favourite sounds?
Ans: The atmosphere of the nature as the trees swaying from left to right blowing from the wind knots and the bird chirping and singing in the early wee hours of the morning......
Your Sincerely,
Mehr Moon
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Every spots, some of the player sure will cheating.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
In this article there is a man who is a writer and loves sea life .Luke, really enjoys to live in a lighthouse .He has all the things that needs for living there .The sunrise and set, see all the time 360 degree,has fascinated pictures of dolphins ,whals and seals.These, makes him so lively.
He prefers the noisy seabirds and storms than cars and people because he has his peacful time to do his hob .
For his food,he fishes and even if he needs something more he walks to the nearest village`s shops in an half hour.
I do not see anything unusal in his life.He lives exactly how and where he loves and in my opinion he`s life is more usual than many of us ,because he is happy .
Q1-Describe your home .Is it unusal?
Our home,actually our appartement is completly usual.It located out of Kualalampour and because of that it`s quieter than inside the city .I really like our view because a golf land is infront of our building.
we have 3 bedrooms and two bathrooms ,an opened kitchen and a hall which is my favourite part of our apartment .The warmest place in our home is our hall .It furnitshes with a brown couch ,a wooden table and a televison set but has a wonderful view and sight to the city .Most of the time after our daily activities we gathering there and have wonderful time with eachothers, that makes it different to me .
What kind of homes are typical in your country?
In the capital cities ,an appartement with 2 rooms is so pouplar but in the other cities and provinces, most of people lives in villas or houses.
posted by Shima
The old name for Inuit wae" Eskimo".Inuit means "The People" in their language .They live in Sibria ,Alaska Canada and Greenland.In the past they hunted and traveled by sleds which ten dogs have pulled it. They did all they needs by themselves and lived very hard.
But it`s interesting to know they have changed.Nowadays in Canada they live in villages. In houses of wood and buy their food and cloths and also they have telephone ,television and even internet.
What do you think the is it good or bad, the goverment push them to civilisation life !The goverment took all their past history and traditional life and gave them a new life style .
posted by shima
Yes they do.People of my country are really interested in jewellery and gold,specially women.Pearl is one of precious stuff that is necesary to have, in their jewellery box.
Q2-What kind of jewellery are popular in your country?
All kind of jewellery are really popular in my country ,diamond,saphire,emerald,onyx and etc.People in my country really like
luxury life and depens of their income ,they spend on it.
Posted by Shima
Friday, February 26, 2010

Dear Marcus
Good day, I wish you have a perfect holiday, the text is normal but good learning make to think about payments and some simple way to keep money, here in a tourists country it’s a little bit hard as food is not only payment we have to pay too many things to have time with family and don’t feel far from hometown and family any way I am sure every body here know how to do! The replies to the question in my view are following:
1) Yes off course, one of the reasons for working is money, most of us are working far from family and hometown to capture better money and have quite life, money can be useful or awful it is depended on you how to save and how to spend the money, I like to save it and pay for my kids education normal life and buy a nice house as well help to poor people and so on. When I was a small child my grandfather always said me” if you keep your money, then money will keep you”, also remember “no money no honey”.
2) I like economic vegetable or low calories food, as I have extra weight and I have to loose my weight but I cant eat at all foods cook by waste things of supermarket or restaurant by expire date, there are too many better way to save money and economic food is one of them, quality is important too I prefer to leave in the frame of my salary and some ability that God give me .
Your truly
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
AKRAM-ailian life
ofcourse not.not only is useful but also can saveour life in future.
q2:find sutable and new planet to live:
the best planet for living should have water and good mars is the best
because water and atmosphere are essencial for our life and give us possibility to being alive.
Monday, February 22, 2010
The Flag
Now I will describe my country flag: Its Iraqi flag .My country flag has four colors. There are red, white, black and green so it has writing on it. It's religious words. The words are: "الله اكبر ".It is written among three green stars .This words mean that the greatest just for the Allah where nobody in this creation should be called greatest. The colors are arranged as following: The red at the top, the white at the middle and the black at bottom so the green stars at the middle and among these stars the words Allah is the greatest have written.
What do you think about your country's flag?
I believe that each color in my country flag means something. The green color means the earth color and the white color means the peace so the red color means Iraqi people sacrifices while the black color refers for all country enemies.
Publisher Ali
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Cheating: reading

Good day, I read a the text about cheating , text is not too difficult to me, I got the meaning of writer also I found some words and wrote them in my calendar words, anyhow reply to the questions are following:
1)Q: How does the writer feel about cheating? Do you agree?
A: He is a great sports fan but he is very unhappy as he see a lot of cheating in the international sports champions and he hates from cheating, he hope a good sport will be meant in a nice way. I agree with him at all, I like all generously behavior.
2)Q: In what other situation might people cheat?
A: People may cheat in all daily activities such as: job, friendship, pair relationship, business, politic even education and many things that have a benefit to spoil.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Do you like chocolate?
Yes, I do. I really like chocolate especially with nuts. But of course not as much as when I was a child, then I used to adore chocolate.
How would you advise the writer?
The woman in the story clearly has an addiction and it`s an illness, so like the other diseases she should go to a doctor.
In my opinion it`s kind of addiction and because of that, her problem won`t be solve only with diet and medicines, surly she really need a psychologist, and find the root cause for her addiction. What is she running away from? Is she finding comfort in chocolate indulgence as a substitute for something else? …And if she is really eager, like many others addicted, she certainly will cured.
posted by Shima
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
What do you do that for?
100 years on ... Olive wouldn`t dream of moving!
Today, I would like to say about” Olive Marchant”, an English woman who has lived in her parents house since a century ago until now!
Although people usually change their house in a few years but she would not dream of moving such others. Now, she lives in old house where she was born in 1910 .
she never got married because she liked too much her parents and her house and did not want to separate both of them. This is surprising for me, maybe for you and others.
On the other hand, she is very healthy, she has not gone to hospital during 100 years and hates visiting doctors because she has always taken care of herself with sports and eats vegetables. she starts her diet as vegetarians since 18 years ago. She worked as cleaner for 40 years and liked gardening, sewing and cooking before her sight became damaged that she did not to do them. These things about Olive`s life is surprising for me.
” How has her home changed in the last 100 years? “I told you that her home has still unmodernized and there is no central heating . Even she has used lit with candles and oil lamps until electricity was installed in the 1960s.
Over all ,in my opinion, Olive is an interesting woman , too relax and very houseproud. So seems she is very gladly from her life that can be wonderful and useful is for others.
Best regards,
Monday, February 15, 2010
Fat Frank
Friday, February 12, 2010
Hi, I read this text at 15 minutes and I found that there are some advantage and disadvantage about tourism industry.
First of all, advantages of tourism industry are improving countries,exchange culture between people worldwide and common understanding, decrease their challenge and actually a good source for Income and Investment!
On the other hand,tourism industry can increase limited for some of people`s life who lives there. So governments in countries have to pay attention its.
Now, I would like to tell you and another my friends about tourism industry in my country,Iran.Iran is a very beautiful country and it has a variety of visible places . Of course I think advertisment rule is very important for it.e.g media, so designing International Conferences for exchange culture and relationship between countries and ways to improve tourism industry is a good idea about it. Such as International conference of tourist promotion between Asia and the Middle East in Tehran,April 3 ,2009 and so Tehran 3-5 March 2007 for three days about tourism of Islamic countries already . So each country introducing the culture and tourism attractions of his or her own country to persuade others to see these attractions themselves.
The bottom there are 3 Adress for Hotel tourism in Iran. Hotel) Iran)
www.Iran Gasht Iranian Hotel)
Over all, I would like to introduce” Darabad” in Tehran, the Capital city of Iran.
Darabad is a former village on the slopes of the Alborz mountain range to the north east of Tehran.
Darabad today is home to Iran`s most famous Museums for natural history, the nature and Wildlife Museum of Iran be protected by law.
Yours sincerely
The genius
When I was in secondary school. I was interested in sciences and my favorite sciences were Physics and mathematics because all invention in this world began with these sciences.
Was Newton a genius? Do you know of any others like him? Write about one of them.
Newton was interested in physics, Kinematics and kinetics of particles he put three laws in motion to yet these laws represent principles of motions.
Today, everything in this world like plants, projectiles, satellites, rockets, machines and in combustion engine …etc. work on this principle of motion therefore I think he was a genius.
I know another genius scientist. he was Albert Einstein. He was born in 1879 in Germany. He was a teacher of mathematics and physics in the secondary school in Switzerland and then he became a lecturer in a university. Einstein invented the Theory of Relativity in 1915 and on 1921 he received the Nobel Prize. This award was for his researches in physics and mathematics. Einstein was the greatest scientist of the 20th century. He died in 1955.
Fat Frank
His weighs was never got lose , and almost increase in a day . I feel very surprise that at last he can lost his weighs and slim down . How did he change his diet ? It's because his just has only one choise : diet or death . Frank did not want to die ,he want to see his nephews and nieces grow up, and of course want to stay with his wife . So , he decided to started a diet . He eats less and walks a lot now . Nowadays , no one called him 'Fat Frank' anymore and everyone feel very happy that he was slim down .
I don't know anyone who has lost a lot of weight around me . But I have some oppinion , example : go to the gym ,do more exercise , eat less and many things u can do . Just beleive yourself and give yourself confidence . YOU CAN DO IT .
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Welcome from Marcus
Monday, February 8, 2010
I read an article about pearls.
1. Yes, absolutely, many people wear pearls in my country.
I read an article about cheating. It was interesting me because it is about true stories, it happens around us.
1. The writers feel unhappy about cheating in sport. I absolutely agree with the writers because I want seeing a good sport in some competitions with fair game.
2. Another situation when people might cheat is when people do an exam, and there are consequences for people who cheating, such as failed an exam, or the score will be deducted.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Form:koo and cool
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Abandoned ship
I read an article about Abandoned ship. It was interesting me because it is about mystery stories.
Furthermore, these are my answers :
1. In my opinion, the crew and passengers are saving in other places. They left from ship Mary Celeste when the ship was going to sink. Then, they use boots to survive.
2. Yes, I like mystery stories, because it makes us to think and sometimes the stories make us astonishment.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Well, these are my answers:
1. I started using computer when I was 11 year-old.
2. Most people in my country are poor, so just a few people use the internet at home. However, recently, many people in my country have laptops and Smartphone. Therefore, they usually use the internet at public places.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
100 years on....Olive wouldn't dream of moving
The second thing that make me surprise is she has never been in hospital. That mean she is very health and rarely sick. Is that because she loved to gardening, cleaning, and sewing? How can she keep her health and fit? May be Olive are only the person can give me an answer.
Form what i know there are two term Olive house have a big changed. First term was the house on fire before. The second was decoration the house such as installed electricity, build a toilet and bathroom. The house is still keep as nature as before.
Monday, January 11, 2010
How we are going to protect our earth to be sick? This is a good question. First thing we shall do is make awareness to all human being that our earth is sick now. Ban those plastic bags at once and using the recycle bags to shop. Groceries and hypermarket now are make charged 20cent to customers who want plastic bags. Glasses, newspapers, steels objects has to collect by the citizen after used it. Those activity shall practice everyday to protect our earth.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
1. My Star is Scorpion.
2. When I was young, I usually read horoscope, but I do not read anymore when I have become adult.
3. I do not read Horoscope again, because I do not believe it.
4. Well, I do not know, because I do not read anymore.
Friday, January 8, 2010
At the end of the first lesson, your teacher will give you an article to read at home.
Take your time. Read the article and the question and think about your answer.
Next, log on to the blog and start a new post. Begin like this:
I read an article about…
It was interesting because…
Then write your answer to the question.
In your second lesson, you will return the article you read and take another. This time, read the article and the first person’s answer on the blog. Then post a comment on the first person’s answer and give your opinion. Don’t worry – it isn’t necessary to agree. If you have the same opinion as the first writer, try to give another example to support your ideas.
This will continue for the whole course. Keep a note of the articles you've read in your Reading Record. This will help you to see your progress more clearly.
I will log onto the website regularly to read your comments and leave comments of my own.
Good luck!